I'm following the examples in the docs but using Virginia's parcel shp file. Warning: it's about 1GB zipped and 1.8GB unzipped.
I have very simply
fiava = fiona.open("VirginiaParcel.shp/VirginiaParcel.shp", layer='VirginiaParcel')
from which I can do fiava.schema
to get
# {'properties': {'FIPS': 'str:8',
# 'LOCALITY': 'str:64',
# 'PARCELID': 'str:64',
# 'PTM_ID': 'str:64',
# 'LASTUPDATE': 'date',
# 'VGIN_QPID': 'str:50'},
# 'geometry': 'Polygon'}
So far so good
but when I do
## I get a Feature object, not the data
## <fiona.model.Feature at 0x7f2fd582aa10>
In the docs it shows this output
{'geometry': {'coordinates': [[(-4.663611, 51.158333),
(-4.669168, 51.159439),
(-4.673334, 51.161385),
(-4.674445, 51.165276),
(-4.67139, 51.185272),
(-4.669445, 51.193054),
(-4.665556, 51.195),
(-4.65889, 51.195),
(-4.656389, 51.192215),
(-4.646389, 51.164444),
(-4.646945, 51.160828),
(-4.651668, 51.159439),
(-4.663611, 51.158333)]],
'type': 'Polygon'},
'id': '1',
'properties': OrderedDict([('CAT', 232.0), ('FIPS_CNTRY', 'UK'), ('CNTRY_NAME', 'United Kingdom'), ('AREA', 244820.0), ('POP_CNTRY', 60270708.0)]),
'type': 'Feature'}
If I use the schema for the specific keys then I can get data one value at a time but this is not optimal
## 51149
Even if I do fiava[0].items()
then it's just an ItemsView
What am I missing?
You can use fiona.model.to_dict()
from fiona.model import to_dict
d = to_dict(fiava[0])
if you want to serialize the data as json without calling to_dict()
on each object, you can use the fiona.model.ObjectEncoder
import json
from fiona.model import ObjectEncoder
j = json.dumps(fiava, cls=ObjectEncoder)