I am creating a music bot for discord in Java, lavaplayer. I'm trying to find a track by title using "ytsearch:" Any input in /play will return noMatches. At the same time, downloading music from the link works fine. I am using the latest JDA (5.0.0-beta.9) and lavaplayer (1.3.77). I tried to copy the code from the manuals, but what works for the authors with a similar version does not work for me.
My code:
public void onSlashCommandInteraction(@NotNull SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
if (event.getName().equals("play")) {
String name = event.getOption("name").getAsString();
try {
new URI(name);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
name = "ytsearch:" + name;
PlayerManager playerManager = PlayerManager.get();
playerManager.play(event.getGuild(), name);
The problem is that the try block never threw the expected error. Working code:
public void onSlashCommandInteraction(@NotNull SlashCommandInteractionEvent event) {
if (event.getName().equals("play")) {
String name = event.getOption("name").getAsString();
try {
new URL(name);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
name = "ytsearch:" + name;
PlayerManager playerManager = PlayerManager.get();
playerManager.play(event.getGuild(), name);