
Remove x axis padding from container-fluid without horizontal scroll Boostrap 5

I have an image that should be full width at the top of a screen. I've removed padding left and right using px-0 but this has affected the page. I am now able to move around the page with the cursor. I do not want that to be the case

<div class="container-fluid px-0">
        <div class="row d-none d-md-block">
            <div class="col-12">
                <img src="~/images/banners/group_full.png" alt="Image of a group of people" class="img-fluid" />


  • Besides adding Bootstrap class px-0 to the container-fluid, you also need to add mx-0 to the row and px-0 to the col-12.

    Generally speaking, Bootstrap adds margins and paddings to all elements. In case you have a similar problem in the future, always check margins and paddings of all elements (container-fluid, row, col, etc.).

    See the snippet below.

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
      <title>Bootstrap demo</title>
      <link href="" rel="stylesheet" integrity="sha384-rbsA2VBKQhggwzxH7pPCaAqO46MgnOM80zW1RWuH61DGLwZJEdK2Kadq2F9CUG65" crossorigin="anonymous">
      <div class="container-fluid px-0">
        <div class="row d-none d-md-block mx-0">
          <div class="col-12 px-0">
            <img src="~/images/banners/group_full.png" alt="Image of a group of people" class="img-fluid" />
      <script src="" integrity="sha384-kenU1KFdBIe4zVF0s0G1M5b4hcpxyD9F7jL+jjXkk+Q2h455rYXK/7HAuoJl+0I4" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>