
How to fix "failed to install VS code server" error

I am trying to connect with remote server using SSH connection from Visual Studio Code. Earlier it was working but now it gives me error:

Could not establish connection: Failed to install the VS Code server

How can this be fixed?

I was trying to connect the remote server over SSH connection, but somehow, I am not able to connect, and it is giving me error failed to install VS code server.


  • Download the version which you want by using below command:


    Once it is downloaded, untar whatever was downloaded.

    Move all the files and folder inside the folder which you untar into below path:


    You can use below command to move files and folders:

    mv * /home/$user/.vscode-server/bin/b3e4e68a0bc097f0ae7907b217c1119af9e03435

    Note: to check commit ID open visual studio code, goto help-> about