
CanDeactivateFn in Ionic Angular

I would like to implement a CanDeactivate Guard in my Ionic Angular application. I've found out, that I should use the new "CanDeactivateFn" Guard, but I can't found any information or an example how to do it. Can somebody give me an example? That would be very helpful!


  • export const GlossaryOutGuard: CanDeactivateFn<GlossaryComponent> =
        component: GlossaryComponent,
        currentRoute: ActivatedRouteSnapshot,
        currentState: RouterStateSnapshot,
        nextState: RouterStateSnapshot
    ): Observable<boolean | UrlTree> | Promise<boolean | UrlTree> | boolean | UrlTree  =>
        let sweetAlertService: SweetAlertService = inject(SweetAlertService);
        if(component.viewMode == 'GLOSSARY' && component.isSomeMenuItemUnderEdition()) {
            let menuItemUnderEdition: EditGlossaryItemComponent = component.getMenuItemUnderEdition()!;
            return sweetAlertService
                .then((result: SweetAlertResult) => result.isConfirmed);
        return true;