
Why am I getting status:undefined from Chargebee API method validateVat?

I'm trying to user their VAT validation method with their script, but even when running their example I'm getting the same response:

let cbInstance = Chargebee.getInstance();
  charegbeeInstance.load('functions').then(() => {
    const payload = {
          country: "DE",
          vat_number: "811569869",
    cbInstance.vat.validateVat(payload).then(data => {
      // Your code here
    }).catch(err => {
      // Your code here

I'm always getting {status: undefined} as result. But the API is responding because If if don't send for example var_number I get the expected error from missing params.

Anyone with an idea what's happening or I'm missing something? Thanks!

Playground with mentioned case:


  • Solved! VAT validation needed to be enabled in the admin panel. The documentation is missing that.