
AWSSDK.MediaLive CreateChannelAsync returns Destination "xxxxx" is not referenced

I am trying to use AWS Elemental MediaLive via NET SDK.
(Dependencies Info: Net Core 6.0 & AWSSDK.MediaLive & AWSSDK.Core

My code looks like this

public async Task<IActionResult> CreateNewChannel()
        CreateChannelRequest req = new CreateChannelRequest
            Name = $"Create Channel Name-{DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss}",
            EncoderSettings = new EncoderSettings(),
            ChannelClass = ChannelClass.SINGLE_PIPELINE,
            InputSpecification = new InputSpecification 
                Codec = InputCodec.AVC,
                MaximumBitrate = InputMaximumBitrate.MAX_10_MBPS,
                Resolution = InputResolution.SD
        InputAttachment iA = new InputAttachment
            InputAttachmentName = $"Input Attachment Name-{DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss}",
            InputId = "_______"

        OutputDestination optDes = new OutputDestination
            Id = "My-problematic-ID"
            new OutputDestinationSettings {
                Url = "s3ssl://my-output-bucket/first-channel/DesA"
        CreateChannelResponse res = await _client.CreateChannelAsync(req);
        return Ok(res.HttpStatusCode);
    catch (AmazonMediaLiveException mlex)
        throw mlex;

Id property in OutputDestination is required. (A combination of letters & numbers & hyphens).
So, I tried some random string ("My-problematic-ID").

Then, this line CreateChannelResponse res = await _client.CreateChannelAsync(req); returns

Amazon.MediaLive.Model.UnprocessableEntityException: Destination "My-problematic-ID" is not referenced ---> Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException: Exception of type 'Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpErrorResponseException' was thrown. at Amazon.Runtime.HttpWebRequestMessage.GetResponseAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.HttpHandler`1.InvokeAsync[T](IExecutionContext executionContext) at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.Unmarshaller.InvokeAsync[T](IExecutionContext executionContext) at Amazon.Runtime.Internal.ErrorHandler.InvokeAsync[T](IExecutionContext executionContext) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

So, my questions are What is the right Id for OutputDestination class and How can I make a "reference" to this thing ?


  • I was able to create a new channel successfully.

    1. The Id for OutputDestination class is not null and a combination of letters/numbers/hyphens as the error warns in the error response.

    2. For the "reference", it was something like this

    public async Task<IActionResult> CreateChannel()
            string destinationId = $"dId-{DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy-HH-mm-ss}";
            OutputGroup outputGroup = new OutputGroup
                Name = $"opgr-name-{DateTime.Now:dd-MM-yyyy HH-mm-ss}",
                OutputGroupSettings = new OutputGroupSettings
                    ArchiveGroupSettings = new ArchiveGroupSettings
                        Destination = new OutputLocationRef
                            DestinationRefId = destinationId
            OutputDestination optDes = new OutputDestination();
            optDes.Id = destinationId;
            CreateChannelResponse res = await _client.CreateChannelAsync(req);
            return Ok(res.Channel.Id);
        catch (AmazonMediaLiveException mlex)
            throw mlex;

    In my case, I was trying to save a mp4 file to S3 bucket from the live stream. Thus, the target class in my OutputGroupSettings was ArchiveGroupSettings.

    ※Note for future reference:
    The code from the question is far from completion and it still needs a lot of modifications. My approach was creating a simple channel on AWS medialive's user interface.

    Then, you can see the configuration in this section Channel Advanced Details

    Or you can get it via AWS CLI using below command:
    aws medialive describe-channel --channel-id=<Your_Created_Channel_ID>
    Ex: aws medialive describe-channel --channel-id=6249116