For prediction need, I want to save a coxph
or cph
model to be able use it in my function.
So my question is how to save the all coxph
(or cph
) object and then how to load it when needed?
The object will be used in the predictCox
function (library riskRegression
#### generate data ####
d <- sampleData(40,outcome="survival") ## training dataset
nd <- sampleData(4,outcome="survival") ## validation dataset
d$time <- round(d$time,1) ## create tied events
fit <- coxph(Surv(time,event)~X1 + X6,
data=d, ties="breslow", x = TRUE, y = TRUE)
## compute individual specific cumulative hazard and survival probabilities
fit.pred <- predictCox(fit, newdata=nd, times=3, se = TRUE, band = TRUE)
You can use the save
function to store R objects in a file. If you want to store a single R object you should use the extension .rds
and saveRDS
function. On other hand, if you want to store several objects you should use the .Rdata
file extension.
Single object:
saveRDS(model, file="model.rds")
model <- readRDS(file="model.rds")
In this case the object name is not stored, so you need to use the readRDS
function and assign <-
the object to a new variable in your environment.
Multiple objects:
save(model1, model2, df, file = "models_and_data.RData")
If you want to save all objects currently in your work environment you can call save.image
In both cases all objects are saved with their original name, so you can load them into your environment with the load
function without assigning new names:
Beware that some implementations of coxph
make a copy of the data to model object (check if your model object has model
in its structure, i.e model$model
). If you are working with sensitive data and need to export models, make sure you are not exporting sensitive data hidden in the object.