I am going through the Angular Transloco library https://ngneat.github.io/transloco/, I have successfully installed and tried the examples https://ngneat.github.io/transloco/docs/plugins/locale/ all worked as expected. For example
{{ 1000000 | translocoCurrency: 'symbol' : { minimumFractionDigits: 0 } }}
returns $1,000,000
Now I want to change or localise the currency from $
to let's say the Nigerian currency (NGN)
but I can't find a way of doing this. I have gone through the documentation but that wasn't helpful.
In TranslocoCurrencyPipe, the next parameter after 'symbol' is the currency code.
So you should do like this:
{{ 1000000 | translocoCurrency: 'symbol' : { minimumFractionDigits: 0 }: 'NGN' }}