Tomcat external server runs, but doesn't start my spring-boot application, even when I check the logs I don't see the spring-boot log Started this one : I tried many solution and I mentioned everythin I did bellow
:: Spring Boot :: (v3.0.6)
After creating the war file with the following properties and dependencies :
-External tomcat version :
-Packaging and properties:
-Tomcat dependency
I changed the final file name :
Also I extended the SpringBootServletInitializer
public class WhereIsMyMoneyApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder application) {
return application.sources(WhereIsMyMoneyApplication.class);
I believe Im using the correct path to use the application:
-I have set the envirement for the JDK17 and the path variable also
-And whenever I run the "catalina.bat run" command or "startup.bat", the server work perfectly on http://localhost:8080
-I checked the list of application on "localhost/manager/html" it shows that the application exists in application list
-Also I tried to deploy it manualy with the Tomcat manager UI by uploading the war file and deploying it but it shows the following error :
FAIL - War file [wmm.war] already exists on server
I think I have set everything correct, tried many solutions but still have the same problem
For Spring Boot 3 and Spring framework 6, the minimum requirement is JDK17 and Tomcat 10 due to the changes of the packages from javax ( that are in Tomcat 9 ) to jakarta ( Tomcat 10 ).