We need to temporary mark one of our Contracts as inProgress().
Here's how I try to do it:
Contract.make {
description "should do a thing"
request {
//request definition here
response {
//response definition here
Without the "inProgress()" line everything builds and runs ok, but with it I get this error when trying to run contractTest gradle task.
Spring Cloud Contract Verifier Plugin exception: Process 'command 'C:\path\to\jdk\bin\java.exe'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
Frustratingly enough, stacktrace or logs don't provide any details of what the actual error is. Any ideas on how to debug this are much appreciated.
spring-cloud-contract-dependencies version is 4.0.1
The problem was that I incorrectly assumed that failOnInProgress gradle plugin property would be set to false by default. Since the docs said "You can set the value of the failOnInProgress [...] to ensure that your build will break..." it seemed to me that not setting it would guarantee a pass.
Setting the property to false explicitly fixed the issue.