
SQL filter on unknown number of columns

I have table containing products, a table containing tags for the products where each product can have several tags, eg


1         |book
2         |game
3         |desk



3         |used
3         |physical

Is there a “nice” way using only SQL to query for all products which have all given tags where the tags are in an array only known at compile time?

The only way I can think of is programmatically generating a query with multiple JOINs on tags, renaming to tag1, tag2 and so on and then filtering in the WHERE clause with tag1 = tags_array[1] AND tag2 = tags_array[2] and so on.

I am using SQLITE, if this is relevant.


  • For a given list of tags, you can use relational division. Say we want the ids of all products that have both tags 'used' and 'physical'

    select product_id
    from tags
    where tag in ('used', 'physical')     -- either one tag or the other
    group by product_id                     
    having count(*) = 2                     -- both are available for this product

    If you are going to parameterized this query, you just need to:

    Note that SQLite does not support arrays out of the box.

    If you want the product name as well, we can join with products:

    select p.id, p.name
    from products p
    inner join tags t on t.product_id = p.product_id
    where t.tag in ('used', 'physical')
    group by p.id, p.name
    having count(*) = 2