
Invoke googlefinance from a script and only run it for a small batch of tickers at a time

I have a Google Sheet in which I'm gathering some stock-related data. I'm using the googlefinance() function, among others:

enter image description here

Some formula's I use:

// current price

// 5 year low
=if($D$1=true, min(index(googlefinance(_ticker(A3), "price", date(year(today()) - 5, month(today()), day(today())), today()), 0, 2)),E3)

// 5 year trend
=if($D$1=true, sparkline(googlefinance(_ticker(A3), "price", today()-1825, today(), "weekly"), {"charttype","line";"linewidth",1;"color","#5f88cc"}), J3)

Since the list is over 1'000 tickers, I used the checkbox in D1 to purposefully activate the formula's using googlefinance() to not get rate limited or have too many Internal Error: xx retuned no result-errors that googlefinance() just happend to randomly generate.

This measure is not enough though. I still get many errors when I'm checking D1, because the sheet is firing somewhat of 1'000 (tickers) x 5 (columns using googlefinance()) = 5'000 queries.

I was wondering if there is no better way. Ideally, I would:

  1. Call on googlefinance() for only, say, 10 tickers at a time
  2. This call would be, for instance, every 5 minutes. So the first 10 tickers at 1PM, the second 10 at 1:05PM, the next 1:10PM, etc.
  3. In an extra column K I would note the date when for that ticker the data was retrieved
  4. I would only want to retrieve data once per day. I am not interested in intraday changes
  5. So some script would work its way down the list, filling the next 10 tickers every 5 minutes. Once it's done, it starts from the top, but if the current date equals the "last retrieved" date from column K, nothing is done.

The problem is that I have no clue on how to do this. In a test, I tried invoking googlefinance() from a Google Apps script underlaying the sheet, but you can only invoke the function from within a cell directly.

I am without ideas not. Does someone know how to do this?

Sample sheet:


  • Unfortunately, you can not call sheets function inside apps script. You either have to get data from a web API or set formulas to the columns. However, Google's finance API no longer works. The only option is to scrap this site,, which is difficult. Though you can also use another API like Alpha Vantage.

    I will provide an example in the latter option. To counteract rate limitation, as you said, we will update only ten cells. To do that, we will store an index to a cell, I chose C1, don't forget to enter an initial value manually. I assume it is set to 1. When the last cell is updated, it starts from 1 again.

    For the clock, set a time based trigger. You can choose the function to run and how frequent it runs. Here are some helpful resources,

    You can customize the code as you like. I hope my answer is useful.

    function updateTickerData() {
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
      // read index
      var indexCell = sheet.getRange("C1");
      var index = indexCell.getValue();
      // calculate range
      var startRow = index;
      var endRow = startRow + 9; 
      // get cells
      var tickerRange = sheet.getRange("A" + startRow + ":A" + endRow);
      var tickerValues = tickerRange.getValues();
      var formulaRange = sheet.getRange("B" + startRow + ":B" + endRow);
      // set formulas
      for (var i = 1; i < tickerValues.length; i++) {
        var ticker = tickerValues[i][0];
        var formula = "=GOOGLEFINANCE(\"" + ticker + "\")";
        formulaRange.getCell(i, 1).setFormula(formula);
      // update index
      indexCell.setValue(startRow + 10);
      // if reached end, reset index
      if (startRow + 10 > sheet.getLastRow()) {


    1. That was my error, fixed below.
    2. You can edit the cellsToUpdateNum variable below
    3. Yes, I also remembered that you only want to get today's prices, included that feature.
    4. Yes, it works.


    function upgradeTickerPrices() {
      // get sheet
      var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
      // read index
      var index=null;
      index = PropertiesService.getUserProperties().getProperty("index");
      // if doesn't exist in properties, initiate
      if (index === null) {
        index = 1;
      // convert to int from floating point because we can't have, for example, 5.0 cells
      index = index | 0;
      // set number of cells to update in each run
      var cellsToUpdateNum = 15; // you can customize the number here
      // calculate range of cells
      var startRow = index;
      var endRow = startRow + cellsToUpdateNum - 1; 
      // get cells
      // A is ticker names, B is values, C is ticker update date
      var tickerRange = sheet.getRange("A" + startRow + ":A" + endRow);
      var tickerValues = tickerRange.getValues();
      var formulaRange = sheet.getRange("B" + startRow + ":B" + endRow);
      var dateRange = sheet.getRange("C" + startRow + ":C" + endRow);
      var dateValues = dateRange.getValues();
      // get today's date
      var timezoneString = "GMT+3"; //you can format timezone as you like
      var dateFormatString = "dd/MM/yyyy"; //you can format date as you like
      var today = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(), timezoneString, dateFormatString); 
      // update ticker prices if conditions match
      for (var i = 0; i < tickerValues.length; i++) {
        var dateCellValue = dateValues[i][0];
        // reminder that google sheets localizes date in the sheets with your locale, if your locale doesn't match dateFormatString errors will probably occur.
        dateCellValue = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(dateCellValue), timezoneString, dateFormatString);
        var ticker = tickerValues[i][0];
        if (ticker!="") { //to not write to empty rows 
          if (today!=dateCellValue) { //don't update and use quota if we updated the prices today
          var formula = "=GOOGLEFINANCE(\"" + ticker + "\")";
          formulaRange.getCell(i+1, 1).setFormula(formula); //update ticker prices
          dateRange.getCell(i+1,1).setValue(today); //update date
      // update index
      PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("index", index+cellsToUpdateNum);
      // if reached end, reset index
      if (startRow + cellsToUpdateNum > sheet.getLastRow()) {
      PropertiesService.getUserProperties().setProperty("index", 1);