
React-Calendar, How to disable dates only in one month?

I would like to disable selected dates in calendar. I dit it, but problem is when I disable date in month may, it will disable it in all months. For example: If I disable day 4th in May it will disable day 4th in all months. I saw also this link: how to disable some dates in react-calendar How can I fix this. Thanks

let disableDates = ''
  let date1 = ''

  let selectedDays = []
  let disable = []
  const handleClick = (date) => {

     disableDates = new Date(date)
     console.log(disable)  //(2) [2, 3]

    console.log('selectedDays', selectedDays)  //(2) [Fri Jun 02..., Sat Jun...]


ReactCalendar here:

      minDate={new Date()}
     // tileDisabled={({date}) => date.getDate()===date1}
      tileDisabled={({date}) => disable.includes(date.getDate()) }


  • That's because you're using the same disable array to store the disabled dates for all months. To solve, try to separate disable array for each month:

    let disabledDates = {};
    const handleClick = (date) => {
      const selectedDate = new Date(date);
      const month = selectedDate.getMonth();
      const disabledMonthDates = disabledDates[month] || [];
      const selectedDay = selectedDate.getDate();
      if (!disabledMonthDates.includes(selectedDay)) {
      } else {
        const index = disabledMonthDates.indexOf(selectedDay);
        disabledMonthDates.splice(index, 1);
      disabledDates[month] = disabledMonthDates;