
Admob Banner ad is cut off on flutter

As shown in the image admob banner ad is cut off or stretched.

If I use AdSize.banner widget does not take the entire width but shows the ad correctly. If I use full-banner the ad is stretched.

How do I get the banner to fit the full width of the screen and show the content correctly (without cut off or streached)?

class _AdBannerState extends State<AdBanner> {
  BannerAd? _inlineAdaptiveAd;
  bool _isLoaded = false;
  AdSize? _finalSize;

  void didChangeDependencies() {

  void _loadAd() async {
    await _inlineAdaptiveAd?.dispose();
    setState(() {
      _inlineAdaptiveAd = null;
      _isLoaded = false;

    // Get an inline adaptive size for the current orientation.
    AdSize size = AdSize.fullBanner;

    _inlineAdaptiveAd = BannerAd(
      adUnitId: AdHelper.bannerAdUnitId,
      size: size,
      request: const AdRequest(),
      listener: BannerAdListener(
        onAdLoaded: (Ad ad) async {
          debugPrint('Inline adaptive banner loaded: ${ad.responseInfo}');

          // After the ad is loaded, get the platform ad size and use it to
          // update the height of the container. This is necessary because the
          // height can change after the ad is loaded.
          BannerAd bannerAd = (ad as BannerAd);
          _finalSize = await bannerAd.getPlatformAdSize();
          // if (size == null) {
          //   debugPrint(
          //       'Error: getPlatformAdSize() returned null for $bannerAd');
          //   return;
          // }

          setState(() {
            _inlineAdaptiveAd = bannerAd;
            _isLoaded = true;
        onAdFailedToLoad: (Ad ad, LoadAdError error) {
          debugPrint('Inline adaptive banner failedToLoad: $error');
    await _inlineAdaptiveAd!.load();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return (_inlineAdaptiveAd != null && _isLoaded && _finalSize != null)
        ? Expanded(
            child: SizedBox(
                width: _finalSize!.width.toDouble(),
                height: _finalSize!.height.toDouble(),
                child: AdWidget(
                  ad: _inlineAdaptiveAd!,
        : const SizedBox(
            width: 0,
            height: 0,

  void dispose() {


enter image description here


  • This is apparently a known issue. Tracked by the developers. Not solved yet.

    Workaround can be found here. Not perfect.