In my app I have a series of objects, that I animate one by one.
The working code for the animation looks like that so far:
const fields = f => ({ scale:useRef( new Animated.Value( 1 ) ).current, offset:useRef( new Animated.Value( 0 ) ).current, f }) )
const animation = Animated.loop(
Animated.stagger( 180, ({ scale, offset }) => Animated.parallel( [
Animated.sequence( [
Animated.timing( scale, { ...OPTS, toValue:1.4 } ),
Animated.timing( scale, { ...OPTS, toValue:1 } ),
] ),
Animated.sequence( [
Animated.timing( offset, { ...OPTS, toValue:-1.4 } ),
Animated.timing( offset, { ...OPTS, toValue:0 } ),
] ),
] ) ) ),
{ useNativeDriver:true }
See the this Snack for the whole code (does NOT work in Web-mode, olny on emulator or real device!)
It looks like this:
The objects are "growing" and "shrinking" from 1 to 6.
Now I want to achieve the following "wave" effect:
When the object (3)
is animated, the (1)
should be animated as well.
When the object (4)
is animated, the (2)
should be animated as well.
So, the animation should be performed in 2 (or more) simultaneous waves, shifted by 2 * 180
How to configure the animation object for that?
It turns out, that a combination of parallel
with sequence
and delay
would do the trick:
const animation = Animated.loop(
Animated.parallel( [
Animated.stagger( DURATION, blink ) ),
Animated.sequence( [
Animated.delay( DURATION * ( fields.length - 1 ) / 2 ),
Animated.stagger( DURATION, blink ) ),
] ),
] ),
{ useNativeDriver:true }
See the updated Snack