
How can I add a specific list column to each table within a list of tables in Power Query?

In power query, I have a list of tables, each with 6 rows and 2 columns.

I have a separate list of 6 values (1-6). I would like to add that list column (values 1-6) to each table within my list of tables.

What is the most appropriate M code to use?

Picture of what I want to achieve


I was trying some Table functions, but unsuccessful


  • Is this what you want? Appends a column to each table within a list of tables

    // sample data set up
    let Source = #table({"Column1", "Column2"},{{"A","B"},{"C","D"},{"E","F"},{"G","H"},{"I","J"},{"K","L"}}),
    ListofTables = List.Transform({1..5}, each Source),
    NewListColumn = #table({"Column1"},{{"M"},{"N"},{"O"},{"P"},{"Q"},{"R"}}),
    // Appends a column to each table within a list of tables:
    AppendNewListColumn=List.Transform (ListofTables, each Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(_) & Table.ToColumns(NewListColumn),Table.ColumnNames(_)& {"New"}))
    in AppendNewListColumn

    enter image description here

    To put new column first before other columns

     AppendNewListColumn=List.Transform (ListofTables, each Table.FromColumns(Table.ToColumns(NewListColumn)&Table.ToColumns(_),{"New"}&Table.ColumnNames(_)))