
R. Populate missing dates by two fields and some null values

I need to populate my data with new rows based on date. I discovered "complete seq.Date" from tidyr but I am getting a error. Below is a sample of my data.

  Hospital Room                  dt
1        1  100 2023-05-24 10:08:38
2        1  100 2023-05-24 10:09:36
3        1  200                <NA>
4        1  300 2023-05-24 13:51:10
5        2  145 2023-05-24 18:51:10
6        2  145 2023-05-24 20:51:10
7        2  100                <NA>
d1 <- data.frame(Hospital = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2,2),
                 Room = c(100, 100, 200, 300, 145, 145, 100),
                 dt = as.POSIXct(c('2023-04-24 10:08:38',
                                   '2023-05-10 10:09:36', '', '2023-05-10 13:51:10',
                                   '2023-04-20 18:51:10', '2023-04-24 20:51:10',''),
                                 format="%Y-%M-%d %H:%M:%S"))

The goal is that every hospital room have date values from 04/24/2023 to 05/10/2023 (min and max dates). Below is my attempt.

d2 <- d1 %>%
  mutate(Date2 = as.Date(dt)) %>%
  complete(Date2 = seq.Date(min(Date2, na.rm=T), max(Date2, na.rm=T), by="day"), Hospital, Room) 

I added na.rm=T because I was getting a error message "'to must be a finite number". Although I get results, they are wrong. The combinations of date, hospital a room are incorrect. I believe this has to do because I have two "by" fields: hospital and room.



  • I was able to figure this out. First I created a date and ID variable (using Hospital and Room). See the code below.

    d1 <- d1 %>%
      mutate(ID = paste(Hospital, Room, sep = "-"),
             dt2 = as.Date(dt)) %>%
      complete(dt2 = seq.Date(min(dt2, na.rm=T), max(dt2, na.rm=T), by="day"), ID) %>%
      arrange(ID, dt2) %>%
      select(ID, Hospital, Room, dt2)

    What I need now is to fill the NAs with their corresponding Hospital and Room value. I tried the fill function but it didn't work. Any ideas? Thanks! ex.

        ID    Hospital  Room dt2         
    1 1-100        1   100 2023-05-10
    2 1-100       NA    NA 2023-05-11
    3 1-100       NA    NA 2023-05-12
    4 1-100       NA    NA 2023-05-13
    5 1-100       NA    NA 2023-05-14
    6 1-100       NA    NA 2023-05-15