When I try to operate business_discovery api on Graph Api Explorer it return following error. Please teach me how to get it work.
{"error": {
"message": "(#100) Tried accessing nonexisting field (business_discovery) on node type (URL)",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "A72pX1O2G5lr7lRTPV1aUCz" }}
the request i'm sending is from business_discovery api page so i belive it correct.
my access token type are "Page" and it still valid.
(my user ID)?fields=business_discovery.username(bluebottle){followers_count,media_count}
I have following permission
From Docs - IG User Business Discovery, The endpoint is: GET /{ig-user-id}?fields=business_discovery.username({username})
. Here, You need to use the IG User Id — an Instagram Business or Creator Account ID - that's connected to the Facebook Page. To get your IG User ID, you can follow the steps mentioned here.
The following request works for me:-
GET /17841448XXXX?fields=business_discovery.username(bluebottle){followers_count,media_count,name}
"business_discovery": {
"followers_count": 442424,
"media_count": 2074,
"name": "Blue Bottle Coffee",
"id": "17841401441775531"
"id": "17841448XXXXXXX"
Hope this helps.