The regex feature of the onParserBeforePreprocess function doesn't work in the extension I'm building, and I don't know why.
Let me elaborate on the issue with the onParserBeforePreprocess function not working.
"name": "EnhanceMarkup",
"description": "Provides enhanced markup functionalities",
"version": "1.0",
"author": [
"Jeong Gaon"
"url": "",
"type": "other",
"license-name": "Apache-2.0",
"AutoloadClasses": {
"EnhanceMarkupHooks": "includes/EnhanceMarkupHooks.php"
"ResourceModules": {
"ext.EnhanceMarkup.styles": {
"styles": "resources/ext.EnhanceMarkup.styles.css",
"localBasePath": "",
"remoteExtPath": "EnhanceMarkup"
"ext.EnhanceMarkup.scripts": {
"scripts": ["resources/ext.EnhanceMarkup.scripts.js", "resources/lib/math.js"],
"localBasePath": "",
"remoteExtPath": "EnhanceMarkup"
"Hooks": {
"InternalParseBeforeLinks": "EnhanceMarkupHooks::onInternalParseBeforeLinks",
"ParserFirstCallInit": "EnhanceMarkupHooks::onParserFirstCallInit",
"BeforePageDisplay": "EnhanceMarkupHooks::onBeforePageDisplay"
"manifest_version": 2
class EnhanceMarkupHooks
public static function onBeforePageDisplay(OutputPage &$out, Skin &$skin)
return true;
public static function onParserFirstCallInit(Parser $parser)
// Register each of your custom parser functions with the parser
$parser->setHook("random", [self::class, "randomRender"]);
return true;
public static function onInternalParseBeforeLinks(Parser &$parser, &$text)
// - * 4+ == <hr>
// Replace sequences of 3-9 '*', '-', or '_' with a horizontal rule
$text = preg_replace('/^([-]{3,9})$/m', "<hr>", $text);
// [pagecount] show all count of page
// Replace [pagecount] with the total number of pages
$text = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) use ($parser) {
$dbr = wfGetDB(DB_REPLICA);
$count = $dbr->selectRowCount("page");
return $count;
// Replace [*A text] with <ref group="A">text</ref>
$text = preg_replace(
"/\[\*\s+([^ ]+)\s+(.*?)\]/",
'<ref group="$1">$2</ref>',
// Replace [*A] with <ref group="A" />
$text = preg_replace(
"/\[\*\s+([^ ]+)\s*\]/",
'<ref group="$1" />',
// Replace [* text] with <ref>text</ref>
$text = preg_replace("/\[\*\s+(.*?)\]/", '<ref>$1</ref>', $text);
// Replace [include text] with {{text}}
$text = preg_replace("/\[\include\s+(.*?)\]/", '{{$1}}', $text);
// Replace [br] with <br>
$text = str_replace("[br]", "<br>", $text);
// Font Size up {{{+1 (content) }}} - Range: 1~5
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\{\{\{\+([1-5])\s*(.*?)\s*\}\}\}/s', function($matches) {
return '<span style="font-size:'.(1 + $matches[1]).'em;">'.$matches[2].'</span>';
}, $text);
// Font Size down {{{-1 (content) }}} - Range: 1~5
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\{\{\{-([1-5])\s*(.*?)\s*\}\}\}/s', function($matches) {
return '<span style="font-size:'.(1 - $matches[1]/10).'em;">'.$matches[2].'</span>';
}, $text);
return true;
// Random
// <random range="50">True|False</random>
public static function randomRender(
array $args,
Parser $parser,
PPFrame $frame
) {
// Disable caching
// Parse the input
$parts = explode("|", $input);
// Get the range from args
$range = isset($args["range"]) ? $args["range"] : 2; // default to 2
// Generate a random number within the range
$randomNumber = mt_rand(1, $range);
// Choose the output based on the random number
if ($randomNumber <= $range / 2) {
// If the random number is in the first half of the range, return the first part
return $parts[0];
} else {
// Otherwise, return the second part if it exists, or the first part if it doesn't
return isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : $parts[0];
Looking at the code, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly wrong with it - if it's supposed to work, typing something like [* texts] within the wiki should generate a footnote called texts, but for some reason it's outputting literally.
For example, if you type 'hello[br]world', you should see world under hello, but nothing.
My MediaWiki site address is
Let me know if you need any more information. I'll provide it. Thank you.
A) To match your references described by [*A Text]
, I would correct
the pattern like this:
The idea is to use named capturing groups with
and also to be a bit more precise with \w+
to match word characters,
then \s+
for one or several spaces and then any char which isn't the
closing bracket with [^\]]+
The replacement becomes <ref group="$group">$text</ref>
Here are some tests of it:
B) Step 2, to match only [*A]
, I would use
and replace it with <ref group="$group" />
Here are the tests too:
C) Step 3, to replace [* text]
with <ref>text</ref>
, I would
use first use /\[\*\s+(?<text>[^\]]+)\]/
and replace it by
Tests available here:
But if you want to allow escaped bracket in the text (in case
the user needs to have some brackets in the text, then use
For this situation, you'll have to do a preg_replace_callback() instead of a simple preg_replace() because we have to unescape the brackets:
$text = preg_replace_callback(
function ($matches) {
return '<ref>' .
preg_replace('/\\\\([\[\]])/', '$1', $matches['text']) .
Test the PHP here:
What happens if the user inputs this?
Shit happens with [* <script>alert('I got you')</script>]
Will there be another filter to avoid XSS attacks?
If it's not safely escaped, then replace all your preg_replace() calls by a preg_replace_callback() like in example C) above and do the sanitizing operations on the captured values:
// Replace [* Some text] by <ref>Some text</ref>
// Also handle escaped brackets in text, such as [* An \[important\] reference]
$text = preg_replace_callback(
// In the pattern, \ should be doubled, but only for known PHP escaped
// sequences, such as \t, \n, \a, or \\. This makes the pattern below not
// very readable :-( In JavaSript it would be simple like this:
// /\[\*\s+(?<text>(?:\\\]|[^\]])+)\]/
function ($matches) {
// 1) Unescape "\[" or "\]" by "[" and respectively "]".
// 2) As we are creating HTML, the text should be sanitized as it may
// contain some stuff like <strong>Bold</strong> or worse some JavaScript
// <script>alert('XSS attack')</script>.
return '<ref>' .
preg_replace('/\\\\([\[\]])/', '$1', $matches['text'])
) .
PHP code in action here: