I want to search for an index of the element in the ArrayList but I want to start searching from starting index different than 0.
I tried like this:
import java.util.*;
public class Test{
public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<String> bricks = new ArrayList<String>(List.of("BBBB","CCCC","DDDD"));
System.out.println(bricks.subList(1, bricks.size()).indexOf("CCCC"));
Expected output:
I want to start searching for "CCCC" in "bricks" from the starting index "1" not from "0"
Your code finds the index within the sublist.
To find the index within the original list, add the index used to create the sublist to the result:
System.out.println(bricks.subList(1, bricks.size()).indexOf("CCCC") + 1);
Some refactoring makes this clearer:
public static <T> int indexOfAfter(List<T> list, T item, int from) {
int result = list.subList(from, list.size()).indexOf(item);
return result == -1 ? -1 : (from + result);