
how to update Angular version from 15 to 16?

I am doing angular version update from 15 to 16.

I uninstalled npm packages and re-installed it with the latest version for the most.

However, angular version still shows "15.1.0".

How to update this in cmd?

enter image description here


  • Just use the official Angular page for that. Link of Angular Update Guide

    Based on your App you should change the requirements or steps, if you use Angular Material you need to match the option.

    1.- Node.js versions: v16 and v18.

    2.- TypeScript version 4.9.3 or later.

    3.- Zone.js version 0.13.x or later.

    If you are using CLI, run the next code

    ng update @angular/core @angular/cli

    Then you need to run the next code, I used the --force because didn´t work well.

    ng update @angular/core @angular/cli --force

    Then, run this.

    ng generate @angular/core:standalone

    And the last configurations are in the official page