I know that Python isn't the fastest language for speed, but I was trying estimate parameters and simulate to calculate statistics, but this take a lot of time. Is any way of optimazating this code to make it faster on Python? With 100 repetitions it took me 25 minutes and I want to make 10000.
from numpy import log, array, random, append
from scipy.stats import expon, kurtosis, skew
from pygosolnp import solve
from tabulate import tabulate
from time import time
inicial_time = time()
def simulation(n, re, alpha):
def exp2(o):
return -sum(log(expon.pdf(v, scale=o)))
mean = array(["Mean"])
variance = array(["Variance"])
bias = array(["Bias"])
eqm = array(["EQM"])
skewness = array(["Skewness"])
kurtose = array(["Kurtose"])
for i in n:
param = array([])
for j in range(re):
v = random.exponential(alpha, size=i)
param = append(param, array(solve(exp2, [0], [10]).best_solution.parameters))
med = param.mean()
varia = param.var()
b = Alpha - med
eqma = b ** 2 + varia
skewn = skew(param)
kur = kurtosis(param)
mean = append(mean, med)
variance = append(variance, varia)
bias = append(bias, b)
eqm = append(eqm, eqma)
skewness = append(skewness, skewn)
kurtose = append(kurtose, kur)
data = [mean, variance, bias, eqm, skewness, kurtose]
print(tabulate(data, headers=["Statistics", "n = 30", "n = 50", "n = 100", "n = 200", "n = 300"]))
N = [30, 50, 100, 200, 300]
RE = 100
Alpha = 1/5
simulation(N, RE, Alpha)
print(f'{time()-inicial_time} seconds')
In addition to the helpful comments you got, I think the exponential function is also a function that can take time for the computer to compute. You can use JIT compilation with Numba to make the computation faster. It is a Just-in-Time (JIT) compiler for Python that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code. You can just do this to use it:
from numba import njit
def exp2(o):
return -sum(log(expon.pdf(v, scale=o)))
This will save some time when exp2() is called.