I'm trying to animate a collapsing list with React/Joy-UI
Here is my Transition element
<Transition nodeRef={nodeRef} in={browseOpen} timeout={1000}>
{(state: string) => (<List
'& .JoyListItemButton-root': { p: '8px' },
transition: '1000ms',
transitionProperty: 'max-height',
overflow: 'hidden',
exiting: { maxHeight: '0px'},
exited: { maxHeight: '0px'},
entering: { maxHeight: '500px'},
entered: { maxHeight: '500px'},
With this the list expands fine, but there appears to be a delay on collapsing.
I then added "cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1)" to the "transition" property, which fixes the collapsing animation, but the expand animation then seems to break entirely.
How can I get both the entering and exiting working?
Before adding cubic bezier (sorry for the loss-y gifs):
After adding cubic bezier:
Found the answer:
The transition needed to be set like this:
transition: `1000ms ${state === "exiting" ? "cubic-bezier(0, 1, 0, 1)" : "ease-out"}`
For any other novices out there, note the backticks `` around the string rather than ''