
Integrating Sine Wave shifted up by 1

When I integrate sine waves with 1Hz in Matlab, why does the result shift by 1? The integral block's initial value is 0. I would like to know why this happens and the correct way to solve it. The solution I came up with is to change the initial value to -1 and this solved the issue but I'm not sure about the consequences of changing the initial value. It seems Matlab assumes the integration constant is 2.

enter image description here


  • You're working with machines here! This one does not know the simplified paradigma(integral sin = -cos) we learn in maths! ;)

    Simulink here just numerically integrates the sine. And it just starts from zero as you set. If you imagine the integration as area below the sine-curve, you can easily follow, what it does: The integral starts from zero and increases until x=pi, with a maximum slope where the sine is at its maximum (x=pi/2). Then, the sine changes to negative values, so the integral decreases again until it reaches 0 at x=2pi, where the two halfes of the sine just equalise. Just as to expect.

    Or mathematically said: The general antiderivative of sin(x) is -cos(x) + A. As the initial value of the integral is set to zero, you get the constraint of -cos(0) + A = 0, which comes to A=1. And y = -cos(x) + 1 is just the blue curve you see.