I tried to use two different ingests from two different engines e.g. storey and pandas to the same ParquetTarget, but I do not know how. I tested, but without success.
It is not a problem to create one ingest (with one engine) to the two different targets (parallel ingestion) via feature_set.set_targets
, it works see sample (but I need something different solution):
project = mlrun.get_or_create_project(name, context='./', user_project=False)
feature_set = fstore.FeatureSet(feature_name, entities=[fstore.Entity("km", description='km description')], engine="storey")
feature_set.set_targets(targets=[mlrun.datastore.ParquetTarget(), mlrun.datastore.NoSqlTarget()], with_defaults=False)
fstore.ingest(feature_set, frm)
BTW: The main motivation is, to save space in v3io file systems for two different processes (if the ParquetTarget is the same).
I see the solution, based on these principles:
See sample:
# first feature set, engine 'storey'
fs_01 = fstore.FeatureSet("fs01", entities=[fstore.Entity("km")],
fs_01.set_targets(targets=[mlrun.datastore.ParquetTarget(name='s01', path=f"v3io:///projects/tst2/",partitioned=False)], with_defaults=False)
#second feature set, engine 'pandas'
fs_02 = fstore.FeatureSet("fs02", entities=[fstore.Entity("km")],
fs_02.set_targets(targets=[mlrun.datastore.ParquetTarget(name='s02', path=f"v3io:///projects/tst2/",partitioned=False)], with_defaults=False)
# generate sample data
dataFrm01 = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=1000,
size=(100, 10)), # rows, columns
columns=[f"fn{i}" for i in range(10)])
dataFrm02 = pandas.DataFrame(numpy.random.randint(low=0, high=1000,
size=(100, 10)), # rows, columns
columns=[f"fn{i}" for i in range(10)])
# ingest data with two different engines to the same parquet target