
What Values of Variables x and y Will Produce Incorrect Results When Testing for Overflow After Subtraction of x-y in the Following Program?

The problem I have is concerning practice problem (2.32 - pg.94) from Computer Systems: A Programmers Perspective third edition by Randal Bryant and David O'Hallaron.

The problem is as follows:

You are assigned the task of writing code for a function tsub_ok, with arguments x and y, that will return 1 if computing x-y does not cause overflow. For what values of x and y will this function give incorrect results?

The authors say that the function will give "correct values, except when y is TMin," but when I experiment with the value TMin for y it seems to work fine.

The tsub_ok function is as follows:

/* Determine whether arguments can be subtracted without overflow */

int tsub_ok(int x, int y)
    return tadd_ok(x, -y);

The tadd_ok function is as follows:

/* Determine whether arguments can be added without overflow */

int tadd_ok(int x, int y) 
     int sum = x+y;
     int neg_over = x < 0 && y < 0 && sum >= 0;
     int pos_over = x >= 0 && y >= 0 && sum < 0;
     return !neg_over && !pos_over;

Continuing on with the solution explained by the authors in regards to the functions, "we will have -y in the tsub_ok function in the tadd_ok function call also equal to TMin. So, the call to function tadd_ok will indicate overflow when x is negative and no overflow when x is nonnegative. In fact, the opposite is true: tsub_ok(x, TMin) should yield 0 when x is negative and 1 when it is nonnegative."

I tested these functions with a value of TMin for y, and negative and nonnegative values for x. The functions seem to work correctly for these values. The tadd_ok function indicates negative overflow when x is negative with the tsub_ok function returning 0. The tadd_ok function indicates no overflow when x is nonnegative with the tsub_ok function returning 1. Therefore, the functions seem to be working as intended even with TMin for y and negative and nonnegative values for x. So, I am confused how the results are incorrect.

Any help will be much appreciated thank you all in advance.


  • Consider the case when int is 32-bit two’s complement, int arithmetic is defined to wrap modulo 232, and tsub_ok is called with tsub_ok(-2147483648, -2147483648).

    Then tsub_ok calls tadd_ok(-2147483648, - -2147483648). - -2147483648 wraps (2,147,483,648 is not representable in int; the maximum representable value is 2,147,483,647) to −2,147,483,648. So tadd_ok is effectively called with tadd_ok(-2147483648, -2147483648).

    Then tadd_ok computes sum = -2147483648 + -2147483648, which wraps and sets sum to 0.

    Then, in int neg_over = x < 0 && y < 0 && sum >= 0;, x is less than zero, y is less than zero, and sum is greater than or equal to 0, so neg_over is set to 1.

    Then return !neg_over && !pos_over; causes tadd_ok to return 0, and tsub_ok returns 0 too.

    However, this is an incorrect result. Subtracting −2,147,483,648 from −2,147,483,648 yields 0 with no overflow. A correctly working tsub_ok would return 1, to indicate the subtraction is okay.

    Therefore tsub_ok is defective.