I am retrieving a JSON output using an API call and I am putting that JSON output in a Hashtable.
I am then doing a Hashtable lookup to see if a certain value is available, and if this is the case I should get a message stating this is the case.
This is a part of my PowerShell Code:
#Removed the code that connects to my server
Write-Output "================================"
#Create a Hashtable to hold the testables
$testingHash = [hashtable]::new()
#Get VM Tag Replication Policy
$resultstag = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$uri/global-manager/api/v1/global-infra/vm-tag-replication-policies/policy1" -Headers $header
#Parse return and create an object from the results
$tagItems = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $resultstag.Content -Depth 10 -AsHashtable
Write-Output "==============================="
Write-Output $tagItems
Write-Output "==============================="
Write-Output $resultstag.Content
Write-Output "==============================="
#Find the Policy ID and store it in the testing hashtable
foreach ($tag in $tagItems.results)
If ($tag.id -like "policy1")
Write-Output "Tag Replication Policy found"
If ($null -eq $testingHash.TAG)
Write-Error "Tag Replication Policy not found"
If (($testingHash.ISTAG -eq $true))
Write-Output "Tag Replication Policy in GM configured"
else {
Write-Output "Tag Replication Policy NOT in GM configured"
My result is this after I run the script:
PS C:\hol\podStatusCheck> pwsh -command "& { . C:\hol\podStatusCheck\Lab-9.7.ps1; Resolve-Lab-9.7 }"
Name Value
---- -----
protected_site /global-infra/sites/lm-site-a
recovery_sites {/global-infra/sites/lm-site-b}
vm_match_criteria MATCH_BIOS_UUID_NAME
groups {/global-infra/domains/default/groups/g-web-stretched, /global-infra/domains/default/groups/g-db-stretched}
resource_type VMTagReplicationPolicy
id policy1
display_name vm tag replication policy lm-site-a to lm-site-b
description vm tag replication policy1
path /global-infra/vm-tag-replication-policies/policy1
relative_path policy1
parent_path /global-infra
unique_id b5b79f3e-bf39-457b-949c-3eaec745d096
owner_id 11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b
origin_site_id 11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b
marked_for_delete False
overridden False
_create_time 1684291183352
_create_user admin
_last_modified_time 1684291183352
_last_modified_user admin
_system_owned False
_protection NOT_PROTECTED
_revision 0
"protected_site" : "/global-infra/sites/lm-site-a",
"recovery_sites" : [ "/global-infra/sites/lm-site-b" ],
"vm_match_criteria" : "MATCH_BIOS_UUID_NAME",
"groups" : [ "/global-infra/domains/default/groups/g-web-stretched", "/global-infra/domains/default/groups/g-db-stretched" ],
"resource_type" : "VMTagReplicationPolicy",
"id" : "policy1",
"display_name" : "vm tag replication policy lm-site-a to lm-site-b",
"description" : "vm tag replication policy1",
"path" : "/global-infra/vm-tag-replication-policies/policy1",
"relative_path" : "policy1",
"parent_path" : "/global-infra",
"remote_path" : "",
"unique_id" : "b5b79f3e-bf39-457b-949c-3eaec745d096",
"owner_id" : "11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b",
"origin_site_id" : "11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b",
"marked_for_delete" : false,
"overridden" : false,
"_create_time" : 1684291183352,
"_create_user" : "admin",
"_last_modified_time" : 1684291183352,
"_last_modified_user" : "admin",
"_system_owned" : false,
"_protection" : "NOT_PROTECTED",
"_revision" : 0
Write-Error: Tag Replication Policy not found
Tag Replication Policy NOT in GM configured
You can see that the output is returning the "id" and this is "policy1". I am checking against this "id" but the "id" is not seed for some reason.
This is the output when I do an API call with Postman:
"protected_site": "/global-infra/sites/lm-site-a",
"recovery_sites": [
"vm_match_criteria": "MATCH_BIOS_UUID_NAME",
"groups": [
"resource_type": "VMTagReplicationPolicy",
"id": "policy1",
"display_name": "vm tag replication policy lm-site-a to lm-site-b",
"description": "vm tag replication policy1",
"path": "/global-infra/vm-tag-replication-policies/policy1",
"relative_path": "policy1",
"parent_path": "/global-infra",
"remote_path": "",
"unique_id": "b5b79f3e-bf39-457b-949c-3eaec745d096",
"owner_id": "11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b",
"origin_site_id": "11458d41-235c-4efe-816e-84513ffc4d3b",
"marked_for_delete": false,
"overridden": false,
"_create_time": 1684291183352,
"_create_user": "admin",
"_last_modified_time": 1684291183352,
"_last_modified_user": "admin",
"_system_owned": false,
"_protection": "NOT_PROTECTED",
"_revision": 0
I am retrieving a JSON output using an API call and I am putting that JSON output in a Hashtable.
I am then doing a Hashtable lookup to see if a certain value is available, and if this is the case I should get a message stating this is the case.
This change made it work ... (based on the comments I got from @mclayton)
foreach ($tag in $tagItems.id)
If ($tag -like "policy1")
Write-Output "Tag Replication Policy found"