
Unable to customize DateRangePicker in Android compose

I am new to Compose and currently having issues with customizing the DateRangePicker. What I want to do is to remove the edit icon and replace it with the left/right arrow as you see in the DatePicker. Also, the title looks too big and crammed. I have searched for a solution but wasn`t able to find a good one. It will be really helpful if you can provide me with tips or a sample code. Thank you in advance.

fun DateRangePickerScreen() {

    val dateTime =

    val dateRangePickerState = remember {
            initialSelectedStartDateMillis = dateTime.toMillis(),
            initialDisplayedMonthMillis = null,
            initialSelectedEndDateMillis = dateTime.plusDays(3).toMillis(),
            initialDisplayMode = DisplayMode.Picker,
            yearRange = (2023..2024)

    DateRangePicker(state = dateRangePickerState)

The following is what I get out of this code. ā†“ enter image description here

What I want my DateRangePicker to look like. ā†“ enter image description here


  • You can customised your own title and headline by passing your own composable like below:

    enter image description here

        modifier = Modifier,
        dateFormatter = DatePickerFormatter("yy MM dd", "yy MM dd", "yy MM dd"),
        dateValidator = dateValidator(),
        title = {
            Text(text = "Select date range to assign the chart", modifier = Modifier
        headline = {
            Row(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth()
                .padding(16.dp)) {
                Box(Modifier.weight(1f)) {
                    (if(state.selectedStartDateMillis!=null) state.selectedStartDateMillis?.let { getFormattedDate(it) } else "Start Date")?.let { Text(text = it) }
                Box(Modifier.weight(1f)) {
                    (if(state.selectedEndDateMillis!=null) state.selectedEndDateMillis?.let { getFormattedDate(it) } else "End Date")?.let { Text(text = it) }
                Box(Modifier.weight(0.2f)) {
                    Icon(imageVector = Icons.Default.Done, contentDescription = "Okk")
        showModeToggle = false,
        colors = DatePickerDefaults.colors(
            containerColor = Color.Blue,
            titleContentColor = Color.Black,
            headlineContentColor = Color.Black,
            weekdayContentColor = Color.Black,
            subheadContentColor = Color.Black,
            yearContentColor = Color.Green,
            currentYearContentColor = Color.Red,
            selectedYearContainerColor = Color.Red,
            disabledDayContentColor = Color.Gray,
            todayDateBorderColor = Color.Blue,
            dayInSelectionRangeContainerColor = Color.LightGray,
            dayInSelectionRangeContentColor = Color.White,
            selectedDayContainerColor = Color.Black

    I have written the details article on this, Please check the link here.