I'm setting up the bootstrap carousel
after the Ajax call
to the DOM. So, I'm appending elements and classes after the page load
as below.
async function ajaxCall() {
let data = await fetch('ApiLink');
let jsonData = await data.json();
let carousel = document.createElement('section');
let inner = document.createElement('div');
carousel.id = 'slider';
carousel.className = 'carousel carousel-dark slide';
carousel.setAttribute('data-bs-ride', 'carousel');
inner.className = 'carousel-inner';
jsonData.data.forEach(data => {
let item = document.createElement('div');
let avatar = document.createElement('img');
item.className = 'carousel-item';
avatar.src = data.avatar;
However, the carousel doesn't work.
I guess, I need to reinitialize the carousel after creating and appending the HTML elements. So, my question is:
How can I reinitialize the bootstrap carousel after the Ajax call without using jQuery?
Based on the documentation, you can make a carousel instance with the carousel constructor after creating your slider element as below:
let carousel = new bootstrap.Carousel(slider, {});
Further, take a look at the carousel methods. So, you can find the getOrCreateInstance
which returns a carousel instance associated with a DOM element, or create a new one in case it wasn't initialized as below:
bootstrap.Carousel.getOrCreateInstance(slider, {});
FYI, you can pass any attributes to your slider as the second parameter.
Also, the data-bs-ride
attribute reads once on page load. So, you don't need to set it up in your Ajax call.