Please I want to add a feature for Video upload using Spatie Medialibrary but I keep getting this error.
"message": "The given data was invalid.",
"errors": {
"file": [
"The file failed to upload."
While the error message sounds simple to understand I have tried to figure out the problem for over 48 hours. Does it mean that Spatie Medialibrary can't be used for video upload? Below is what I have tried
<!-- Video Field -->
<div class="form-group align-items-start d-flex flex-column flex-md-row">
{!! Form::label('video', trans("lang.e_service_video"), ['class' => 'col-md-3 control-label text-md-right mx-1']) !!}
<div class="col-md-9">
<div style="width: 100%" class="dropzone video" id="video" data-field="video">
<a href="#loadMediaModal" data-dropzone="video" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#mediaModal" class="btn btn-outline-{{setting('theme_color','primary')}} btn-sm float-right mt-1">{{ trans('lang.media_select')}}</a>
<div class="form-text text-muted w-50">
{{ trans("lang.e_service_video_help") }}
<script type="text/javascript">
var dz_var16110647911349350349ble = $("").dropzone({
url: "{!!url('uploads/store')!!}",
addRemoveLinks: true,
maxFiles: 1,
maxFilesize: 500,
acceptedFiles: 'video/*',
init: function () {
@if(isset($eService) && $eService->hasMedia('video'))
var media = {
name: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->name !!}",
size: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->size !!}",
type: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->mime_type !!}",
uuid: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->getCustomProperty('uuid'); !!}",
thumb: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->getUrl('thumb'); !!}",
collection_name: "{!! $eService->getFirstMedia('video')->collection_name !!}"
dzInit(this, media, media.thumb);
accept: function (file, done) {
dzAccept(file, done, this.element, "{!!config('medialibrary.icons_folder')!!}");
sending: function (file, xhr, formData) {
dzSending(this, file, formData, '{!! csrf_token() !!}');
complete: function (file) {
dzComplete(this, file);
dz_var16110647911349350349ble[0].mockFile = file;
removedfile: function (file) {
file, dz_var16110647911349350349ble, '{!! url("eServices/remove-media") !!}',
'video', '{!! isset($eService) ? $eService->id : 0 !!}', '{!! url("uploads/clear") !!}', '{!! csrf_token() !!}'
dz_var16110647911349350349ble[0].mockFile = [];
dropzoneFields['video'] = dz_var16110647911349350349ble;
Below is my Controller code
public function store(CreateEServiceRequest $request)
$input = $request->all();
try {
$eService = $this->eServiceRepository->create($input);
if (isset($input['video']) && $input['video']) {
$fileUuid = $input['video'];
$cacheUpload = $this->uploadRepository->getByUuid($fileUuid);
$mediaItem = $cacheUpload->getMedia('video')->first();
$mediaItem->copy($eService, 'video');
} catch (ValidatorException $e) {
Flash::success(__('lang.saved_successfully', ['operator' => __('lang.e_service')]));
return redirect(route('eServices.index'));
Please any assistance will be appreciated. Thank you!
After couple of researches. I figured out that all my codes were correct but i needed to declare a strict rules that would contain all the file formats I wanted to accept through the Dropzone. So I had to declare the below array of file formats to test stuffs out
return [
'file' => 'mimes:jpeg,png,jpg,gif,svg,pdf,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,mp4',
Also I learnt that the maxFilesize: 500,
of the Dropzone is in bytes. So I had to increase it to equivalent of 10MB.
When my code went live, I had a timeout errors trying to upload files of 8MB. So, I also learned that the Dropzone has a timeout property timeout: 9000, /*milliseconds*/
, which I set to 0. Which mean no limit.
I hope this helps someone out there. Thanks to everyone!