
Error message 'Resource not accessible by personal access token' when trying to perform mutation in Github GraphQL API

I'm trying to build a simple Android app to list random repositories and be able to add a star to certain repos. Every time when I try to do a mutation to add a star to a project using Altair I get the said error message, but when I perform the same mutation from Github GraphQL Explorer the mutation is executed and the star is given to the repository. Why?

I'm using a fine-grained personal access token to do the work.


mutation AddStarMutation($id: ID!) { 
  addStar(input: {
    starrableId: $id
  }) {
    starrable {

Error message:

  "data": {
    "addStar": null
  "errors": [
      "type": "FORBIDDEN",
      "path": [
      "extensions": {
        "saml_failure": false
      "locations": [
          "line": 2,
          "column": 3
      "message": "Resource not accessible by personal access token"

This are the configuration for permissions used for the token

I'm able to perform query without any issues. What am I missing?

I tried the documentation tutorial authentication, for query and mutation methods.


  • Turned out what I was missing is to perform mutations on behalf a user you have to provide a login using the OAuth2 app authentication method. This way you prompt the permissions your app is using on behalf of the user. Check here in the docs:

    Ps: I had checked this docs before posting the question but did not get the purpose of OAuth2 apps.