
What is bundleID for Xcode?

I want to run Xcode via Appium and I need Xcode bundeId (like com.apple.TextEdit). I use Appium2 and driver 'Mac2'.


"platformName": "Mac", "appium:automationName": "Mac2", "appium:bundleId": "com.apple.Xcode"

When I try to start my test, I receive error:

Failed to create session. An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: The app representing com.apple.Xcode could not be found.

What is bundleId for Xcode?

Thanks for help.


  • The bundle identifier for Xcode is com.apple.dt.Xcode

    You can find it like so (run in terminal)

    defaults read /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Info CFBundleIdentifier