
How do you add IMsRdpClientTransportSettings4 to MFC application - Is there a TypeLib?

I want to add IMsRdpClientTransportSettings4 inteface to an MFC application. To add the IMsRdpClientAdvancedSettings8 interface I used the visual studio project menu / add new item then MFC category / MFC Class from TypeLib and chose Microsoft Terminal Services Active Client (I was following a tutorial - I wouldn't have guessed that name is associated with advanced settings).

Does a TypeLib exist for adding the IMsRdpClientTransportSettings4? If not, how do you do it manually?



  • The requirements section in the documentation lists the type library as "MsTscAx.dll".

    You can verify that this DLL contains a type library by opening it in a tool like OLE/COM Object Viewer (oleview.exe).