
Citus upgrade failed

I am running citus in kubernetes and trying to do an upgrade from 10.2 to 11.2, the underneath postgres version is 14.

Image used in deployment for upgrade: citusdata/citus:11.2-pg14

After performing the upgrade with image citus:11.2-pg14 , pod goes in to crashloopbackoff state with following error:

ERROR: loaded Citus library version differs from installed extension version
Loaded library requires 11.2, but the installed extension version is 10.2-4
HINT: Run ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE and try again.

I cannot execute the ALTER EXTENSION citus UPDATE as the pod is in crahsed state.

Can someone help me out here?


  • I think in general Citus does not provide docker images for production use, they have the following quote in the docs The Docker image is intended for development/testing purposes only, and has not been prepared for production use.

    So, that's probably why upgrades are not part of the story.

    Still, one workaround might be to do SET citus.enable_version_checks TO off; and try the alter extension command