This is a follow-up question inspired by dcarlson's answer to the question "Why is the Chi Square Expected vs Observed in two different structures?"
I have 3x flat tables (NN & BB & FF) showing Chi-Square results (Observed & Expected frequencies).
NN <- as.table(rbind(c(11, 25), c(32, 27)))
dimnames(NN) <- list(gender = c("Top", "Other"),
source = c("You","Partner"))
(Xsq_NN <- chisq.test(NN))
NN_Results <- array(cbind(Xsq_NN$observed, Xsq_NN$expected), dim=c(2, 2, 2),
dimnames=list(Rank = c("Top", "Other"),
Source = c("You", "Partner"),
c("Observed", "Expected")))
ftable(NN_Results, row.vars=1, col.vars=2:3)
BB <- as.table(rbind(c(11, 29), c(32, 23)))
dimnames(BB) <- list(gender = c("Top", "Other"),
source = c("You","Partner"))
(Xsq_BB <- chisq.test(BB))
BB_Results <- array(cbind(Xsq_BB$observed, Xsq_BB$expected), dim=c(2, 2, 2),
dimnames=list(Rank = c("Top", "Other"),
Source = c("You", "Partner"),
c("Observed", "Expected")))
ftable(BB_Results, row.vars=1, col.vars=2:3)
FF <- as.table(rbind(c(6, 5), c(37, 47)))
dimnames(FF) <- list(gender = c("Top", "Other"),
source = c("You","Partner"))
(Xsq_FF <- chisq.test(FF))
FF_Results <- array(cbind(Xsq_FF$observed, Xsq_FF$expected), dim=c(2, 2, 2),
dimnames=list(Rank = c("Top", "Other"),
Source = c("You", "Partner"),
c("Observed", "Expected")))
ftable(FF_Results, row.vars=1, col.vars=2:3)
I am greatly struggling to now merge the three tables, however keeping and adding headers to the columns.
This is the attempt:
# Name contingency tables
NN_table <- ftable(NN_Results, row.vars = 1, col.vars = 2:3)
BB_table <- ftable(BB_Results, row.vars = 1, col.vars = 2:3)
FF_table <- ftable(FF_Results, row.vars = 1, col.vars = 2:3)
# Combine the tables horizontally
Merged_Table <- cbind(NN_table, BB_table, FF_table)
# Print the merged table
> Merged_Table
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12]
[1,] 11 16.3 25 19.7 11 18.1 29 21.9 6 4.98 5 6.02
[2,] 32 26.7 27 32.3 32 24.9 23 30.1 37 38.02 47 45.98
My problem is that I now have all the headers lost... I would like to have column headers to hopefully look like this:
Finally, I would like to add the chi-square (p-value) below per item/column:
Thankful for any help!
I usually make this kind of table using the flextable
# Combine the tables horizontally
Merged_Table <- cbind(NN_table, BB_table, FF_table)
# From your Merged_Table we add the p.values and colnames
Merged_p <-,2),
round(c(Xsq_NN$statistic, Xsq_BB$statistic, Xsq_FF$statistic),2), " (",
round(c(Xsq_NN$p.value, Xsq_BB$p.value, Xsq_FF$p.value),3), ")"
, each = 4)))
# Making the table names
colnames(Merged_p) <- paste(
rep(c("NN", "BB", "FF"), each = 4 ),
rep(c("You","You","Partner","Partner"), 3),
rep(c("Observed","Expected"), 6), sep = "_" )
Merged_p <- cbind(" " = c("Top","Other","Chi-2 (p-value)"), Merged_p)
your_table <-
flextable(Merged_p) |>
ftExtra::span_header() |>
merge_h() |>
hline(i = c(1,2,3),part = 'header') |>
vline(j = seq(1,13, by = 2)) |>
align(align = 'center', part = 'all')
# Print the merged table with p-values
# print(your_table)