I have found with some devices (mainly cisco) that they sometimes return some interesting values when running an snmpwalk. I have found specifically that they can change a HEX value to ASCII.
I'm able to pull back the raw values by using the following cmd passing through -Ox as a parameter:
snmpwalk -Os **-Ox** -c <community> -v 2c <ip_address> <OID>= Hex-STRING: <result_as_hex>
^^^I would like to do that with snmp4j if possible.
The following cmd results in the same as the java code using snmp4j:
snmpwalk -Os -c <community> -v 2c <ip_address> <OID> = STRING: <result_as_ASCII_value>
Many thanks in advance! J
I get the same response when I try to use snmp4j even though I am trying to get the VariableBinding.toValueString:
public Map<String, String> doWalk(String tableOid, Target target) throws IOException {
log.info("doWalk({}, {})", tableOid, target);
Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<>();
TransportMapping<? extends Address> transport = new DefaultUdpTransportMapping();
Snmp snmp = new Snmp(transport);
TreeUtils treeUtils = new TreeUtils(snmp, new DefaultPDUFactory());
List<TreeEvent> events = treeUtils.getSubtree(target, new OID(tableOid));
if (events == null || events.isEmpty()) {
log.info("Error: Unable to read table...");
return result;
log.info("event size is {}", events.size());
for (TreeEvent event : events) {
if (event == null) {
if (event.isError()) {
log.info("Error: table OID [{}] {}", tableOid, event.getErrorMessage());
VariableBinding[] varBindings = event.getVariableBindings();
if (varBindings == null || varBindings.length == 0) {
for (VariableBinding varBinding : varBindings) {
if (varBinding == null) {
result.put("." + varBinding.getOid().toString(), varBinding.toValueString());
return result;
The -Ox
flag that you are asking about doesn't affect the SNMP transaction, only the interpretation of the received data. In short, instead of using varBinding.toValueString()
, you want to be using OctetString.toHexString()
. Based on the documentation, it looks like you can extract the value as a Variable
, and then cast it to an OctetString
. Here's an example:
Variable value = varBinding.getVariable();
if (!value.getSyntaxString().equals("OCTET_STRING")) {
// Throw an exception or something
OctetString octet_string = (OctetString) value;
String hex = octet_string.toHexString();