
JGraphT: All paths of a given length that terminate in a specified vertex

I am using JGraphT and am looking for a way to compute all incoming paths to a vertex of a specific length. For example, given a directed graph:

A -> B

B -> C

D -> E

E -> C

F -> C

I am looking for some function function(node, k) that gives me all paths that are k edges long that terminate in node (e.g., for the above graph, function(C, 2) should give (A, B, C), (D, E, C)). Does such functionality exist out-of-the-box in the library, or do I need to write an algorithm myself?

Thanks in advance!

I've tried going through the API documentation, and found functions that allow me to compute paths between two nodes, not all paths incoming to one node.

EDIT: Clarified question per Joris' feedback.


  • The easiest approach is to simply use a shortest path algorithm.

    Graph<Integer,DefaultEdge> graph = ...; //whatever graph you like
    //Create a new shortest path algorithm with limited radius
    DijkstraShortestPath dsp = new DijkstraShortestPath<>(graph, 2.0);
    SingleSourcePaths<Integer,DefaultEdge> paths = dsp.getPaths(targetVertex);

    Note that the above code finds all paths starting from targetVertex. In your example, you seem to have a directed graph with arcs pointing towards vertex C. You would either have to specify the graph as undirected, or revert the arc directions to make this work out-of-the-box.

    Various other solutions exist as well, but I wouldn't use them unless you have a good reason to do so: