Ideally, I'd like something that otherwise acts like a StandardAnalyzers but treats all Greek Symbols as equivalent with their English phonetic spelling ("beta" == "β", "omega" == "ω"). I looked at the ICU analyzer but it doesn't go quite that far. If it doesn't exist, might you have a suggestion about the most efficient way to design such an analyzer?
After doing research on @Val suggestion. I put this together. I'm not sure if it's quite right but saving here in case anyone finds as a useful starting point.
private static Analyzer GetGreekSymbolAgnosticAnalyzer()
NormalizeCharMap.Builder builder = new NormalizeCharMap.Builder();
builder.Add("α", "alpha");
builder.Add("β", "beta");
builder.Add("ω", "omega");
NormalizeCharMap norm = builder.Build();
Analyzer analyzer = Analyzer.NewAnonymous(createComponents: (fieldName, reader) =>
Tokenizer tokenizer = new StandardTokenizer(LuceneVersion.LUCENE_48, reader);
return new TokenStreamComponents(tokenizer, new StandardFilter(LuceneVersion.LUCENE_48, tokenizer));
}, initReader: (fieldName, reader) => new MappingCharFilter(norm, reader));
return analyzer;