
How to deploy two services under two different applications in IIS using BTDF

I have a requirement wherein I need to deploy two different services under two different application in IIS using BTDF.


using IISMetabasePath I can deploy multiple services but that will be deployed under same application/virtual directory in IIS, How can I make the IISMetabasePath parametric something like


so that I can specify the Id in VDirList configuration

Currently I have below VDirList config

    <VDirList Include="*">

    <VDirList Include="*">

Appreciate the responses!


I have tried doing IISMEtabasePath parametric however I could not find the ways I could pass values to it from VDirList


  • The VDirList functionality is deprecated and should not be used except for backwards compatibility. Instead, you should use IISApp and IISAppPool.

    You didn't say which version of BTDF you are using, but you can refer to the IIS sample application that is included with the Framework. You'll also find IISApp/IISAppPool well-documented in the BTDF docs.

    Here's a link to the v5.7 version of the docs in PDF format.