Greeting, may peace be upon you. I am using mac OS with VS code, by this I mean I use plantUML as an extension. I have 0 experience with this, I used app.diagram before this.
@startuml shortform
title shortform
actor faris as user
control x as SOA
database Doc MS as Doc service
control miniapps as app
database google
collections EDA
EDA -> SOA : whitelisted data
I have tried to comment on what I think is invalid syntax, reading the doc.
but it still yield:
Error found in diagram shortform ERROR 3 Syntax Error? Some diagram description contains errors
I think you are overwhelmed when posting the question, you need a little break or a good night's sleep.
When you populate your diagram the error message located on the visual studio output window will change!
Error found in diagram Callback from LOS ERROR 9 Syntax Error? Some diagram description contains errors
The number 9 is referring to your invalid syntax line, which needs to be corrected.
Specific to your code @albert comment should solve it. Note that you export the diagram to a PNG file. the PNG file also contains the debug messages.