I need a big help.
I need to change the report filename when the pdf is downloaded.
This is the button:
string="Generate Report"
This is the "generate_report" python function:
def generate_report(self):
data = {
'blabla': self.employee_id.name,
'bla': self.employee_id.place_of_birth
return self.env.ref('module.action_generate_report').report_action(self, data=data)
And this is the action
<record id="action_generate_report" model="ir.actions.report">
<field name="name">Generate Report</field>
<field name="model">custom.module</field>
<field name="report_type">qweb-pdf</field>
<field name="report_name">module.generate_report_template</field>
<field name="report_file">module.generate_report_template</field>
<field name="print_report_name">"Report - %s" % object.name</field>
<field name="paperformat_id" ref="paperformat_margin" />
If i use the "Print" button it works correctly, but if i use the custom button the solution above not work, everytime the file is downloaded, it has the name "Generate Report.pdf"
How to solve this problem?
Thank you
When you define the data
parameter, Odoo will not add the active_ids
to the report urls:
if (_.isUndefined(action.data) || _.isNull(action.data) ||
(_.isObject(action.data) && _.isEmpty(action.data))) {
if (action.context.active_ids) {
var activeIDsPath = '/' + action.context.active_ids.join(',');
reportUrls = _.mapObject(reportUrls, function (value) {
return value += activeIDsPath;
reportUrls.html += '?context=' + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(session.user_context));
and then will fail to get the docids
from it in the report_download controller:
pattern = '/report/pdf/' if type == 'qweb-pdf' else '/report/text/'
reportname = url.split(pattern)[1].split('?')[0]
docids = None
if '/' in reportname:
reportname, docids = reportname.split('/')
which is used to compute the report file name.
If docids is None
, Odoo will not compute the report file name from print_report_name
expression and will use the report name (report.name
if docids:
ids = [int(x) for x in docids.split(",")]
obj = request.env[report.model].browse(ids)
if report.print_report_name and not len(obj) > 1:
report_name = safe_eval(report.print_report_name, {'object': obj, 'time': time})
filename = "%s.%s" % (report_name, extension)
You don't need to use data
parameter, current record fields are accessible throw docs variable. To fix this issue remove the data
parameter or set it to None
or {}