
Could not create task ':app:processDevDebugMainManifest'

when i run flutter project and getting this error on gradle build: ould not determine the dependencies of task ':app:processDevDebugManifest'.

Could not create task ':app:processDevDebugMainManifest'. Cannot invoke "Object.toString()" because "value" is null

what i have tried: i try so many solutions, nothing helps intalled latest version, flutter clean, flutter pub get, flutter pub upgrade, reastart vscode, restart windows, compare this project with other project that works fine, comparing AndroidManifest.xml files, comparing build.gradle 2 files and eliminating posibile dependencies that might cause this issue - N O T H I N G

finally with the help of CHATgpt i got the stacktrace, but still, i dont have access to gradle api files, and the classes inside them, so how can i do a debugg ?

sucks, i am stuck and instead of programming flutter - i deals with this issues. for your convinience, i marked where the error begin, but again - i dont know how to debugg this.

any help will be highly aprreciated!

Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "Object.toString()" because "value" is null at$manifestPlaceholders$2.invoke(VariantDslInfoImpl.kt:854)


  • Please check if you are running by using flavor like "dev" when you start the Flutter project.