I am trying to resolve the issue with getter, error message:
The getter 'params' isn't defined for the type 'GoRouterState'. Try importing the library that defines 'params', correcting the name to the name of an existing getter, or defining a getter or field named 'params'.
My main.dart code looks following way:
path: 'session/:level',
pageBuilder: (context, state) {
final levelNumber = int.parse(state.params['level']!);
final level = gameLevels
.singleWhere((e) => e.number == levelNumber);
return buildMyTransition<void>(
child: PlaySessionScreen(
key: const Key('play session'),
color: context.watch<Palette>().backgroundPlaySession,
GoRouterState is defined in another file:
class ProductCategoryList extends StatelessWidget {
const ProductCategoryList({super.key});
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final GoRouterState state = GoRouterState.of(context);
final Category category = Category.values.firstWhere(
(Category value) => value.toString().contains(state.params['category']!),
orElse: () => Category.all,
final List<Widget> children = ProductsRepository.loadProducts(category: category)
.map<Widget>((Product p) => RowItem(product: p))
return Scaffold(
backgroundColor: Styles.scaffoldBackground,
body: CustomScrollView(
slivers: <Widget>[
title: Text(getCategoryTitle(category), style: Styles.productListTitle),
backgroundColor: Styles.scaffoldAppBarBackground,
pinned: true,
delegate: SliverChildListDelegate(children),
On version 7.0.0 contains some breaking changes including params
in BuildContext's namedLocation, pushNamed, pushReplacementNamed replaceNamed have been renamed topathParameters
For your case, it will be
final levelNumber = int.parse(state.pathParameters['level']!); //better to do a null check