According to woodstox github
Woodstox properties can be configured through XMLInputFactory.
I'm now using camel with JAVA DSL, which use woodstox-core for XML
I want to configure Woodstox property e.g. WstxInputProperties.P_RETURN_NULL_FOR_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE
How can I configure Woodstox properties in using Apache Camel?
(Java 8, Apache Camel 2.25.4)
Code for reference:
Exchange in = camelContext.getEndpoint("direct:xxx").createExchange();
ProducerTemplate template = camelContext.createProducerTemplate();
Exchange out = template.send("direct:xxx", in);
route builder:
.split(body().xtokenize("//xxx:xxx", 'i', ns), myAggregationStrategy)
I've reported this bug to Apache. As camel 2.25.4 is already EOL, it will be fixed at new version of camel-stax.
Fix Version/s: 3.14.9, 3.18.8, 3.20.6, 3.21.0, 4.0-RC1, 4.0
If it is not possible to upgrade the camel version, instead of using xml default namespace, adding a custom namespace on all xml tag should be a possible way to avoid this issue. i.e.
<ns1:XX ... xmlns:ns1="XXXX">