
Geoserver Custom Map on Traccar (XYZ Map Tiles)

I want to generate map from geoserver to use as map for Traccar. For the map test, for example, OSM has no problems and appears normal as shown below. Traccar With OSM

However, when I create a layer map with the geoserver and then I try to display it on Traccar, the map that appears appears repeatedly and is not as full as the map view. Traccar With Geoserver

Did I miss something or did I make a mistake? Please can anyone help me resolve this ?

If there is something that is still lacking from my explanation or something is still not clear, please let me know, I will be happy to explain the problem.


  • Thanks for clarifying the question.
    I've looked into it and have found a solution. Previously I used a code gridset (4326) with dimensions of 2x1, so I used a code gridset (900913) with dimensions of 1x1. I also found the use of "flipY=true" so that the position of the map that is clipped from top to bottom is correct.
    so that the previous url : 'localhost:8090/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/…{z}/{x}/{y}.png?flipY=true'
    Become : 'localhost:8090/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0/…{z}/{x}/{y}.png?flipY=true'

    And it works.