It is interesting, that such standard behaviour in such a standard component is so hard to test.
Given an IonRange element in my Ionic React component:
onIonInput={()=> console.log("changed")}
When I manually test the IonRange, I get the console output as expected. However, when I have my cypress test like this (pretty much copied over from the docs):
.invoke('val', 10)
I expect to see the log statement in the output.
Actual behaviour: the range knob jumps to the expected position but the onIonInout
callback is never invoked.
I also tried other triggers, such as
all leading to the same behaviour.
I also tried to workaround using arrow keys. That would be a very unsatisfying solution, because it does not generalise for cases with ranges of, say, 0 to 10,000. I tried it anyway:
cy.get("ion-range").type('{rightArrow}') // trows "this is a non-typable element"
The range knob jumps to the centre (weirdly).
The workaround that I ended up with is:
cy.get("ion-range").click() // clicks in the centre
(also mentioned by @SuchAnIgnorantThingToDo-UKR) and then I expect the value 15. But due to differences in rendering resolutions (even with a set viewport), the result flakes between 15 and 16. Also, this solution is very unsatisfying given we might want to assert for specific values)
I reviewed the following:
Please let me know if you have any idea for this very trivial every-day problem.
@SuchAnIgnorantThingToDo-UKR already answered in great detail.
I just want to add how to test the dragging. You can do this:
describe('Components', () => {
it('ion-range', () => {
const waitTime = 200
cy.get('@slider') //
.trigger('mousedown', 100, 0)
.trigger('mousemove', 150, 1, { force: true })
.trigger('mousemove', 200, 1, { force: true })
.trigger('mousemove', 300, 1, { force: true })
.trigger('mouseup', 300, 1)