The docs here show
import { <font-name> } from 'next/google/font';
It compiles but at run-time throws the error "module not found".
But this discussion shows:
import { <font-name> } from '@next/google/font';
This version throws this error at compile time.
It would help to at least know whether the "@" is required or not. I hope the docs are up-to-date and the discussion is not. Neither error that is thrown helps to disambiguate these 2 syntaxes!
Btw, this is in a NextJs project inside a nrwl nx mono-repo.
I tried updating the package.json to include:
"@types/next": "13.1.1",
but that did not help.
Note that the package.json
is at the root of the monorepo (but all other deps and devDeps are there, so it must be the correct place, as sub-projects don't have their own package.json files).
Inside the app (ie. the sub-folder) is an index.d.ts
file where I tried adding:
declare module 'next/font/google'
declare module '@next/font/google'
Neither solved the problem.
There is this on stackoverflow, but that did not help either.
In the yarn.lock
file is the following entry, which seems to package next inside the @nrwl namespace, so I tried '@nrwl/next/google/font' but that also did not work
version "15.8.8"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-h7sYBf8ljyfXyoSCgiHxukB/AyZsHNL8g+vSVmr7iCkVd6IgFIa1n3myM7vaALAVrJ0EccXYdK7yuKHbVvfLnA==
"@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators" "^7.14.5"
"@nrwl/devkit" "15.8.8"
"@nrwl/js" "15.8.8"
"@nrwl/linter" "15.8.8"
"@nrwl/react" "15.8.8"
"@nrwl/workspace" "15.8.8"
"@svgr/webpack" "^6.1.2"
chalk "^4.1.0"
copy-webpack-plugin "^10.2.4"
dotenv "~10.0.0"
express "^4.18.1"
fs-extra "^11.1.0"
http-proxy-middleware "^2.0.6"
ignore "^5.0.4"
semver "7.3.4"
ts-node "10.9.1"
tsconfig-paths "^4.1.2"
tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin "4.0.0"
url-loader "^4.1.1"
webpack-merge "^5.8.0"
Before Next.js 13.2.0
yarn add @next/font
/or/ npm i @next/font
After Next.js 13.2.0 (Next.js 13.2.0 and higher)
instead of @next/font
(without the @