I was making a POST request in nutritionix API using requests module. In one of the API route which is https://trackapi.nutritionix.com/v2/natural/nutrients
, which returns all the necessary details for any food item if we pass json as {"query": <any_name>}
and headers as x-app-id
and x-app-key
It works fine in Postman, but in Python it shows 401 unauthorized status if I fetch the x-app-id and x-app-key from .cfg file.
The format of that cfg file is
I am fetching all those keys using configparser module, I am able to print those keys in the terminal, but it shows 401 error. But if I directly paste these keys into the code directly (which is not recommended), it is showing 200 status.
I am pasting the code below for reference:
import requests
from configparser import ConfigParser
config = ConfigParser()
x_app_id = config['nutritionix']['API_ID']
x_app_key = config['nutritionix']['API_KEY']
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
"x-app-id": x_app_id,
"x-app-key": x_app_key,
url = 'https://trackapi.nutritionix.com/v2/natural/nutrients/'
def get_details(prompt: str):
food_details = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json={"query": prompt})
I don't know why the API key and the ID is not fetching from cfg file, whereas in other files, it is fetching properly.
I was expecting to fetch the API keys from cfg and show the required result from the API.
This code will works
import requests
from configparser import ConfigParser
import json
config = ConfigParser()
x_app_id = config['nutritionix']['API_ID']
x_app_key = config['nutritionix']['API_KEY']
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
"x-app-id": x_app_id,
"x-app-key": x_app_key,
url = 'https://trackapi.nutritionix.com/v2/natural/nutrients/'
def get_details(prompt: str):
food_details = requests.post(url, headers=headers, json={"query": prompt})
print(json.dumps(food_details.json(), indent=2))
get_details('for breakfast i ate 2 eggs, bacon, and french toast')
And credential without " or ' in secrets.cfg
$ python3 get-nutrients.py
Status Code 200
JSON Response {
"foods": [
"food_name": "eggs",
"brand_name": null,
"serving_qty": 2,
"serving_unit": "large",
"serving_weight_grams": 100,
"nf_calories": 143,
"nf_total_fat": 9.51,
"nf_saturated_fat": 3.13,
"nf_cholesterol": 372,
"nf_sodium": 142,
"nf_total_carbohydrate": 0.72,
"nf_dietary_fiber": 0,
"nf_sugars": 0.37,
"nf_protein": 12.56,
"nf_potassium": 138,
"nf_p": 198,
"full_nutrients": [
"attr_id": 203,
"value": 12.56