This is a question from "Logical Foundation" in Chapter ProofObjects.
I want to prove that Propositional Extensionality,
forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q
implies Proof Irrelevance,
forall (P : Prop) (pf1 pf2 : P), pf1 = pf2
Theorem pe_implies_pi :
(forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q) -> (forall (P : Prop) (pf1 pf2 : P), pf1 = pf2).
Proof. intros. assert (H1 := H P True).
assert (H2 : P <-> True).
{ split. intros. apply I. intros. apply pf1. }
apply H1 in H2.
Fail rewrite H2 in pf1.
H: ∀ P Q : ℙ, P ↔ Q → P = Q
P: ℙ
pf1,pf2: P
H1: P ↔ True → P = True
H2: P = True
pf1 = pf2
The command has indeed failed with message:
Cannot change pf1, it is used in conclusion.
I understand the line of argument informally in that, with H2
, both pf1
and pf2
are of type True
. The only constructor for type True
is I
, hence pf1 = pf2 = I
. But how do I prove this in Coq?
The problem is that you are rewriting pf1 in one place, but not another. To get everything in the same place, you can use revert. If I have the code:
Definition PropEx : Prop := forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q.
Definition ProofIrr : Prop := forall (P : Prop) (pf1 pf2 : P), pf1 = pf2.
Theorem PropExImpliesProofIrr : PropEx -> ProofIrr.
intros PE P pf1 pf2.
assert (H1 := PE P True).
assert (H2 : P <-> True). { split; intro H2; auto. }
apply H1 in H2.
then my proof state is exactly what you had:
1 goal (ID 19)
PE : PropEx
P : Prop
pf1, pf2 : P
H1 : P <-> True -> P = True
H2 : P = True
pf1 = pf2
If I then run the line clear H1; revert pf1 pf2.
, I get the following proof state:
PE : PropEx
P : Prop
H2 : P = True
forall pf1 pf2 : P, pf1 = pf2
Now I can rewrite! rewrite H2.
leads me to:
1 goal (ID 23)
PE : PropEx
P : Prop
H2 : P = True
forall pf1 pf2 : True, pf1 = pf2
Which is easily solved.
intro pf1; destruct pf1.
intro pf2; destruct pf2.
For your convenience, here is the entire code:
Definition PropEx : Prop := forall (P Q : Prop), (P <-> Q) -> P = Q.
Definition ProofIrr : Prop := forall (P : Prop) (pf1 pf2 : P), pf1 = pf2.
Theorem PropExImpliesProofIrr : PropEx -> ProofIrr.
intros PE P pf1 pf2.
assert (H1 := PE P True).
assert (H2 : P <-> True). { split; intro H2; auto. }
apply H1 in H2.
clear H1; revert pf1 pf2.
rewrite H2.
intro pf1; destruct pf1.
intro pf2; destruct pf2.